Hosting reel!
Passionate about storytelling in any form. My style is down-to-earth and whimsical, poetic, and earnest. Comedy and romance are my strong suits, but I can also capture the banality of the everyday or keep a high-stakes situation grounded. I am adept at creating strong voices and snappy dialogue.
I love the act of creation and also helping others shape their stories through feedback and editing. I'm a fantastic collaborator and an excellent sounding board; writing is so often a solitary activity and I find working with others to be invigorating and invaluable. I've led writers' rooms before with great success, and I believe in using the power of communication to solve creative problems.
Games are my favorite medium, and I've written both for and about them. I have about years of performance experience, from improvisation to voiceover to classical theater.
I live in Los Angeles, but don't hold it against me.

Cam Daxon
Writer. Editor. All-around word guy.
Cam is a writer that I would trust to put the right amount of attention to detail and quality into his writing and elevate any project he's on.
Najmah Salam, Creative Producer, founder of Small Loan Studio
From an excellent feature writer and reviewer to an outstanding podcast host, there is no doubt that you can always rely on Cameron when it comes to finding new content to both write and talk about--he is as much of a writer as he is a producer. Cameron always delivers his work on time and is quick to bring our attention to rising developers in the games industry that deserve coverage.
Marc Kaliroff, Social Media Producer and Editor
I felt much more confident and proud of my work, and it was all thanks to Cameron’s keen editing skills alongside his inimitable people skills, never to be underestimated. And he’s a really fun, kind person, which in L.A. is like finding a unicorn.
Kyle Smith-Laird, Author and Game Designer

Interactive storytelling enthusiast. Voracious reader. Passionate about game design, writing, and dessert (both making and consuming).